Want to know more about Expandi vs Skylead?

We've compiled some key information for you.

Key points of comparison when assessing Expandi vs Skylead:

  • User Experience: Expandi is geared towards agencies managing client campaigns from a single dashboard, whereas Skylead emphasizes its ease of use for booking meetings and scaling outreach.
  • Outreach Personalization: Both Expandi and Skylead offer personalized outreach; however, Expandi features hyper-personalized images and GIFs within messaging.
  • Lead Generation Techniques: Expandi focuses on scraping LinkedIn data to personalize outreach messages, while Skylead offers multichannel outreach using if/else actions.
  • Free Trial Offering: Expandi offers a 7-day free trial, allowing users to explore the platform's capabilities, mirroring Skylead, which also provides an opportunity to try its features.
  • Outreach Automation: Expandi automates with a human touch, featuring human-like delays and dedicated IP addresses. Skylead also promotes safe outreach through dedicated, country-based IP addresses.
  • Integration and Discovery: Skylead combines LinkedIn automation with cold email software and incorporates tools for finding business emails, which complements Expandi's focus on streamlined campaign management through webhook integrations.
  • Campaign Management: Expandi includes various automation features like campaign A/B testing and detailed reporting, while Skylead offers intelligent campaign automation combined with email outreach.
  • Business Impact: Skylead showcases customer stories of significant business growth and increased call bookings, alongside Expandi's capabilities for maximized outreach potential.
  • IP-Based Safety Features: Both Expandi and Skylead position themselves as safe LinkedIn automation tools by providing dedicated IP addresses to protect users' accounts during outreach activities.

Below is a side by side comparison for the two products, covering features, customer types and price.

Expandi Price


Skylead Price


Expandi: Product Description

Expandi offers a solution to sales teams and agencies seeking to augment their LinkedIn marketing output through targeted, personalized campaigns. The platform boasts the potential to deliver up to 300 personalized connection requests per week, ensuring users can conduct their LinkedIn activities with accuracy and pace. As an automation tool, Expandi stands out for its focus on personalization and user safety. Expandi serves as a thorough automation tool for LinkedIn strategic marketing, constructed for professionals and companies that prioritize thoughtfully crafted, personalized outreach. Through a suite of modular features, Expandi aims to support its users in creating meaningful, professional connections on LinkedIn, accommodating a range of activities from sales and recruitment to business development and event marketing. With testimonials from a wide spectrum of business professionals, Expandi makes a compelling case for its role in advancing LinkedIn marketing strategies for dedicated users.

Skylead: Product Description

Skylead is a sophisticated tool designed to aid in the pursuit of expanded professional networking opportunities and engagement strategies on LinkedIn, as well as through email campaigns. This software enables users to automate various tasks, including sending connection requests, messages to potential leads, and managing campaigns across multiple channels. Priced at $100 a month, Skylead simplifies tasks that traditionally would require significant manual effort.

Expandi: Product Features

  • Hyper-Personalized Campaigns: Acknowledging the importance of personal touches in professional outreach, Expandi enables users to create and send personalized messages, with the aim of improving engagement and response rates.
  • LinkedIn Limit Navigation: Expandi addresses the constraints set by LinkedIn on connection requests by proposing methods to not only deliver compelling reasons to connect but also to manage and work within LinkedIns established limits more effectively.
  • Dynamic Email Outreach: Recognizing the role of multi-channel marketing, Expandi integrates with email providers to enhance follow-up strategies, with a focus on maintaining high response rates.
  • Smart Sequencing: Employing sequences that aim to reflect realistic human interaction, Expandi helps its users to facilitate connections that seem less automated and more genuine.
  • Campaign Analytics: Users have access to detailed metrics, A/B testing options, and reporting features, intended to inform strategic decisions and improve outreach campaigns.
  • Management and Integration Tools: With role and permission settings, users can manage multiple accounts, campaigns, and team activities. Expandi’s webhook integrations offer additional functionality, connecting with other software systems for a cohesive experience.

Skylead: Product Features

  • Cross-Platform Operation: Combining LinkedIn and email allows users to manage multi-channel communication.
  • Automation Capabilities: The software works autonomously to send out connection requests, ensuring consistent engagement without constant user oversight.
  • Messaging Functionality: Skylead provides the utility for sending messages directly to leads, which can be crucial in developing professional relationships.
  • Personalization: It supports custom message creation, increasing the chance of favorable responses by addressing recipients directly and relevantly.
  • Trial availability: A 7-day trial provides an adequate period for potential users to explore the features of Skylead and determine its fit for their business needs.

Expandi is best suited for these customer types:

  • Expandi caters to a variety of users, including: Sales Personnel: Tailored to support lead generation and enhance the prospect of meeting sales quotas, Expandi addresses the needs of professionals in sales-focused roles.
  • Talent Recruiters: For those in the recruitment field looking to expedite the process of talent acquisition, Expandi offers tools to help establish connections with potential candidates rapidly.
  • Business Development: Entrepreneurs and companies in need of financial backing or looking to forge business partnerships can leverage Expandi’s outreach program for business development initiatives.
  • Marketing and Public Relations: Marketing agencies and public relations managers find utility in Expandi’s ability to foster audience engagement and attendance, particularly for events.
  • Small Business Leaders and Co-Founders: Expandi finds favor with small business owners and company co-founders seeking an adaptable, comprehensive LinkedIn automation tool that can evolve with market shifts and business needs.

Skylead is best suited for these customer types:

  • Skylead caters to businesses aiming to bolster their lead generation and engagement metrics on LinkedIn. It is well-suited for individual professionals and enterprise clients alike who are dedicated to expanding their network reach and fostering quality interactions without dedicating excessive time to manual processes. Ideal customers are those requiring assistance with the repetitive tasks of networking while maintaining high levels of personal touch in communications. Given its robust feature set and comprehensive automation, Skylead is positioned to serve those who place a premium on maintaining active and targeted communication streams.
  • Skylead offers a pragmatic solution for businesses and individuals focused on nurturing professional connections. By allowing its users to implement an automated yet personalized approach in their outreach efforts, it enhances the possibility of developing meaningful professional relationships. The software's interface facilitates a streamlined management of outreach campaigns across LinkedIn and email, making it a vital tool in the arsenal of modern networking strategies.

Have you considered using Koneksi with Expandi?

There are great reasons customers use Expandi with Koneksi.

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All the capabilities you need

Key features of Koneksi custom LinkedIn messages

Our custom 1:1 LinkedIn messages tool is designed with and for our customers' highest priority needs - and it continuously evolves with them.

Advanced personalisation based on deep research.
Re-define/re-describe your proposition anytime.
Message structure
Tried and tested personalisation blueprints.
Message control
Choose what type of messages to generate.
Usage tracking
Realtime count of messages generated.
Receive on the go
A csv will be always be delivered to your inbox.
Dynamic execution
Send with any tool, e.g Skylead, Expandi & more.
Set your limits
Choose your package and upgrade at any time.
Generate anytime
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Message dashboard
See all messages in your online dashboard.

Human connections, in high volumes

This is the cutting edge way to continuously manage, qualify and convert B2B pipeline, at scale.

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Get Human Time Back
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Swap from manual to automation for high volume, low engagement, top of funnel activity - and convert more leads, with less effort.
Be Happier
Remove the emotional friction of repetitive, unrewarding top of funnel labour - and work only with engaged leads.
Beat Competition
Get ahead of competition that isn't yet tuned into the benefits of personalised LinkedIn outreach - and stand out in front of your prospects.

LinkedIn automation is exploding

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