Want to know more about Dripify vs Waalaxy?

We've compiled some key information for you.

Key points of comparison when assessing Dripify vs Waalaxy:

  • User Base and Ratings: Waalaxy services over 100,000 users and boasts high ratings across multiple review platforms, while Dripify doesn't specify user numbers but offers an array of automation features.
  • Outreach and Automation: Waalaxy and Dripify both permit automated sequences for LinkedIn messaging, yet Waalaxy also offers cold emailing capabilities.
  • Multi-Channel Prospecting: Waalaxy emphasizes the advantages of contacting prospects via multiple channels, thereby increasing response probabilities.
  • Email Discovery: Waalaxy integrates with Dropcontact for email finding and GDPR-compliant outreach, enhancing its multi-channel approach.
  • Free Plans: Waalaxy provides free access to automated LinkedIn features with certain usage quotas, differing from Dripify's approach which may not have a free tier.
  • Security: Both tools recognize the significance of LinkedIn account safety, with Dripify focusing on dedicated IPs and Waalaxy highlighting its 3-layer protection.
  • Integration and Scalability: Waalaxy is designed for various user types, from sales and marketers to freelancers and recruiters, paralleling Dripify’s broad market appeal for lead generation.
  • Support and User Guidance: Both platforms provide user support, with Waalaxy offering chat support and Dripify detailing campaign performance analytics.
  • Feature Evolution: Waalaxy maintains a public roadmap for upcoming feature releases, while details of Dripify’s developmental roadmap might be available through other channels.
  • Extension-Based Limitations: Waalaxy operates as a Chrome extension which may pose certain limitations, whereas Dripify functions as a cloud-based platform without such constraints.

Below is a side by side comparison for the two products, covering features, customer types and price.

Dripify Price


Waalaxy Price


Dripify: Product Description

Dripify is presented as an advanced LinkedIn automation platform, developed to serve marketers and sales teams in their prospecting, lead generation, and business development efforts. The platform is distinguished by its ability to create automated, highly personalized drip campaigns, employing a variety of LinkedIn actions, delays, and smart conditions without the necessity for a software installation or management of physical servers, as all operations are executed in the cloud. Dripify is crafted to position itself as a critical asset for users intent on expanding their professional net on LinkedIn. Its features suit business owners, sales professionals, and marketing agencies aiming to enhance their LinkedIn outreach and lead generation capabilities. Users benefit from a platform that handles the intricacies of LinkedIn campaigns efficiently, thus fostering the acquisition of new leads and the maintenance of a dynamic professional network. The tool’s emphasis on personalized interaction and analytical oversight ensures that Dripify is well-aligned with the goals of its diverse user base, offering a measurable improvement in their LinkedIn marketing ventures.

Waalaxy: Product Description

Waalaxy presents itself as an innovative solution for LinkedIn prospecting and automated email outreach. It is aimed at businesses and professionals seeking to contact prospects effectively. Waalaxy promises intuitive use without technical skills and an average setup time of under 20 minutes per day. With a broad user base of over 100,000 clients and high ratings on platforms such as G2 and the Chrome Store, Waalaxy positions itself as a reliable tool in the market.

Dripify: Product Features

  • Automated Drip Campaigns: Users can construct drip campaigns that sequence automated LinkedIn actions, such as sending connection requests, following up with messages, and endorsing skills, tailored by smart conditions and adjustable delays.
  • Team Onboarding and Analysis: The platform allows for the onboarding of team members, providing a control panel for supervising campaign activities and analyzing team performance.
  • Safety and Security Features: Dripify assigns a unique local IP address to each account and simulates human behavior to ensure account integrity and reduce risks of flagging by LinkedIns monitoring systems.
  • Integration Capabilities: The software can be connected with over 1,000 other tools like Google Sheets, HubSpot CRM, Zoho, Salesforce, and Asana through Zapier, facilitating workflow automation across multiple platforms.
  • Intuitive Control Panel: Offers a dashboard where users can track campaign metrics, manage LinkedIn actions, and observe real-time results from their outreach efforts.
  • Connection and Message Volume Management: Permits users to send a substantial number of connection requests and messages daily, with features to extend these limits for broader reach.
  • CSV Data Export: Provides options for exporting lead data for further analysis or use in other campaigns, supporting longitudinal marketing strategies.

Waalaxy: Product Features

  • Automated LinkedIn Sequences: Waalaxy enables the automation of LinkedIn invitation sending and messaging through custom sequences, designed to facilitate user engagement with their network and potential leads.
  • LinkedIn and Email Combination: This multi-channel prospecting feature allows the combination of LinkedIn outreach with email communication, which can potentially increase response rates by offering multiple touchpoints to connect with prospects.
  • Email Finder: With this feature, users can leverage Waalaxy's partnership with Dropcontact to locate email addresses, fully compliant with GDPR, which could expand their prospecting reach.
  • Campaign Tracking: Waalaxy provides tools to analyze the performance of LinkedIn and email outreach campaigns, offering users the ability to monitor progress and adjust tactics as needed.
  • Import Contacts: Users have the facility to import their target contacts directly into Waalaxy, simplifying the process of managing prospects within the platform.
  • Support Services: The platform asserts a focus on customer support, providing real people behind their chat support services available five days a week.

Dripify is best suited for these customer types:

  • Dripify is designed to accommodate the needs of:
  • Business Owners: Assisting with the automation of prospecting tasks, allowing focus on other critical aspects of business management.
  • Sales Teams: Addressing the requirements for consistent lead generation and oversight of collective sales activities within a company.
  • Marketing Agencies: Offering a tool that can aid in managing client LinkedIn campaigns and monitoring performance effectively.

Waalaxy is best suited for these customer types:

  • Waalaxy caters to a diverse clientele, including sales professionals, marketers, founders, recruiters, and freelancers who seek to expand their professional networks, generate opportunities, and recruit talent. The testimonials from users across various industries, such as Digital Lead at Waxy, Charly Rodriguez, and Director and Owner at Koda Staff, Nick Evans, illustrate the tool's capability to enhance prospect engagement and drive campaign effectiveness.
  • Business developers and heads of companies commend Waalaxy for its support structure and user-friendly interface, which seem to simplify prospecting tasks. Freelancers like Carlos Parga find value in Waalaxy for growing business networks, while recruiters like Nicole Brooks from Realtor admire its role in diversifying connections and enhancing response rates. Further confirming the value of Waalaxy, Jason Turner, the founder at Entanglement, notes the fusion of email and LinkedIn features beneficial for comprehensive marketing efforts.
  • Waalaxy's appeal is also global and multichannel, multiplying the chances of receiving a response and making it suitable for businesses looking to leverage LinkedIn networking combined with email outreach. As a result, it finds adoption among various professionals seeking to improve their prospecting efficiency and achieve better engagement with potential clients.

Have you considered using Koneksi with Dripify?

There are great reasons customers use Dripify with Koneksi.

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All the capabilities you need

Key features of Koneksi custom LinkedIn messages

Our custom 1:1 LinkedIn messages tool is designed with and for our customers' highest priority needs - and it continuously evolves with them.

Advanced personalisation based on deep research.
Re-define/re-describe your proposition anytime.
Message structure
Tried and tested personalisation blueprints.
Message control
Choose what type of messages to generate.
Usage tracking
Realtime count of messages generated.
Receive on the go
A csv will be always be delivered to your inbox.
Dynamic execution
Send with any tool, e.g Skylead, Expandi & more.
Set your limits
Choose your package and upgrade at any time.
Generate anytime
Live and accessible 24/7.
Message dashboard
See all messages in your online dashboard.

Human connections, in high volumes

This is the cutting edge way to continuously manage, qualify and convert B2B pipeline, at scale.

Scale your human touch with well-researched and timely messages to all of your prospects.

Increase Pipeline Volume
Remove all capacity constraints on the volume of pipeline you can reach out to - and just choose the volume that achieves your revenue target.
Get Human Time Back
Automate the research and write process for each cold prospect - and spend human time only on those prospects who reply.
Stay Top of Mind
Stay top of mind through consistent touchpoints with all propects - and be their first thought at the point they need your help.
Convert More Leads
Swap from manual to automation for high volume, low engagement, top of funnel activity - and convert more leads, with less effort.
Be Happier
Remove the emotional friction of repetitive, unrewarding top of funnel labour - and work only with engaged leads.
Beat Competition
Get ahead of competition that isn't yet tuned into the benefits of personalised LinkedIn outreach - and stand out in front of your prospects.

LinkedIn automation is exploding

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