Announcing the launch of our new managed services suite!

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The problems we heard from our community

Not everyone is familiar with LinkedIn DM automation. Actually the majority is still unaware of its potential.

Employing a marketing agency for lead generation services can sometimes make this cold outreach channel more accessible, but for many, especially those new to the concept, it's not an obvious or well-known strategy.

Business owners, freelancers, independent consultants and entrepreneurs, in particular, stand to gain significantly from LinkedIn DM automation. Anyone who has parallel responsibilities in both selling and delivering - because time often becomes the limiting factor.

So the question for us at Koneksi has been: how can we bring those people forwards on their journey? How can we take someone from discovering LinkedIn DM automation as a lead gen channel for the first time, all the way to mastering the art of running their own successful campaigns?

The challenges for first time LinkedIn DM automation users

First time users of LinkedIn DM automation usually face the following challenges:

  1. Understanding how it all works (sourcing leads, sending DMs, automating from your own personal LinkedIn profile)
  2. Gaining confidence with using automation
  3. Optimising the process to get the best return on investment (ROI)

The gap we saw in our product line

Our pre-existing subscription products enable people to generate messages to use in their own campaigns. That works really well for people who are already running campaigns and who want use our research and personalisation to optimise their campaign results.

But for people who are just starting their journey with LinkedIn DM automation, using one of our subscription products involves overcoming the challenges above before they can even get started.

So we decided to tackle those challenges on their behalf.

This is the fastest way to help people see and realise the benefit of LinkedIn DM automation for the first time.

What we've launched

We have launched a series of flexible managed services where we can support all, or any part, of the end to end process of LinkedIn DM automation.

That includes the following steps:

  1. Creating prospect lists
  2. Conducting prospect research
  3. Writing personalised DMs
  4. Sending DMs from users' personal LinkedIn accounts to prospects
  5. Tracking and reporting results

Our managed services encompass all of the above, so that customers can delegate to Koneksi all, or any, of the aspects they do not want to control themselves.

Customers can also choose the volumes of prospects/messages appropriate to their business and stage. Prices vary accordingly; with higher volumes benefitting from lower unit costs.

The benefits our customers will see

These new services empower anyone to leverage LinkedIn DM automation directly from their accounts, requiring minimal to no prior knowledge.

This opens a new channel for lead generation without the need for significant time investment or the learning curve typically required.

By signing up to a Koneksi-managed campaign, you gain insight into the entire process—from setup to conclusion. This includes understanding the messaging strategy, timing, response handling, and analyzing campaign data and outcomes - all from your own personal LinkedIn account.

As users become more familiar with the process, they may opt to take more control over certain aspects, tailoring the approach to their preferences. Ultimately, the most cost-effective and autonomous strategy is using our subscription product and integrating the personalised messages it generates into self-managed campaigns.

But we're here to support you in all the ways you choose, until you decide you want full autonomy.

How to get started

If you'd like to have a look at this new suite of managed service products, head to our pricing page here.

If you have questions or would like more information, you can contact us here.


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