Founding story

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A note from the founder.

Today, I'm excited to share a bit about my personal story—a journey spanning a decade of navigating enterprise sales and marketing technology with Accenture, and ultimately leading me to launch a new cutting-edge outreach tool of my own.

Pioneering AI: A Pathway to Possibility

My everyday work at Accenture was implementing sales and marketing technologies for multinational companies – working with typically well-known, enterprise-grade software. But beneath the surface, intense curiosity was drawing me more to the cutting edge. So I found an opportunity to spearhead the development of Accenture’s AI propositions for their UK CMT business, and under this hat I grew a portfolio of cutting-edge software partners, a number of propositions, and a team to take them to market.

My initial mission was clear: solve intricate sales and marketing challenges through the innovative use of cutting-edge AI.

Navigating Complexity: Bridging the Gap

But cutting-edge tech startups and enterprise accounts are typically not well versed in navigating together. On the enterprise side, there are a host of internal hurdles (multi-step stakeholder approval, security and privacy protocols, architecture evaluations to name a few) that slow the process of adopting new technologies down – or even hinder it completely. And on the startup side, in a world where everything moves so rapidly, it’s a frustrating experience to have to jump through seemingly infinite hoops before you’re even close to making one sale.

Empathizing with the frustrations of both sides I realized that with my experience I could help them both navigate the complexities of bringing cutting-edge tech into enterprise.

Evolving Beyond: Carving a Personal Path

It rapidly became apparent that if I were to dedicate my focus as required for this mission, I would need to shed all unrelated corporate obligations – and so I decided that stepping out of Accenture and starting my own consultancy for this purpose was the fastest and most effective way to streamline my focus.

Epiphany and Innovation: The Power of Outreach

This leap into independent consulting surrounded me with sales teams. My personal clients were sales teams in sales and marketing tech startups – and I was helping them sell to their customers, who were also sales and marketing teams, but in enterprise.

The leap uncovered a pivotal truth: in Sales, nothing is more important than Outreach. Outreach is the first and most important part of the sales process – the part that continuously replenishes the pipeline to a volume that catches the one customer who will buy next. It doesn’t matter whether you’re selling startup tech, an enterprise product, or even a consulting service – you have to be persistently reaching out if you’re going to stand any chance of landing your next customer, at any point in time.

Revolutionizing Outreach: Crafting a Solution

If you’re selling to businesses, as both myself and my clients and their customers were, then LinkedIn is the obvious outreach platform of choice. Connect with, and message, enough people on LinkedIn, and eventually you will find yourself a buyer. Or so the theory goes.

But it’s not just a volume game. Not in B2B sales. You can spam a thousand people with a generic salesy message, and no one is going to be interested. Aren’t we all tired of receiving generic salesy messages on platforms like LinkedIn? It’s not just uninteresting, it’s actually annoying – and it damages the sender’s credibility – which achieves the exact opposite of the intention.

I saw from my own outreach campaigns that in B2B, it is about quality. It’s about researching your prospect and positioning your message in such a way that it’s not just relevant to the recipient, it’s actually compelling. It articulates a genuine opportunity for them they may not otherwise have known about. And it articulates it in a way that makes them care.

Unlocking Efficiency: A Vision for Thoughtful Automation

But for both myself, and my clients, and their customers, there is not enough time in the day to do the research required, for the volume of prospects required, in a successful B2B outreach approach.

So from this realization was borne a new mission— to design an automation that mirrored the thoughtfulness of manual outreach. An automation that uses AI to do what we would do manually. Once that works tirelessly to run our outreach for us while we’re working on everything else we need to do.

Empowerment through Transformation

But who would design and build this automation? I decided to solve the problem myself – because it was a pain I was feeling personally, and one I knew I wanted to solve.

The only challenge: I lacked coding expertise, despite my tenure in technology implementation.

But while my journey hadn't been that of a developer, I’d long been exposed to, and highly comfortable with, the design and build of tech. And in addition, by this point, some personal life choices had landed me within an unexpected network of proven tech founders, who would become a developer and entrepreneur support group. Relocating to Asia, I surrounded myself with these ambitious founders who continue to this day to kindle my passion to grow and develop this tool as far as possible.

Picture of founder

Peering into the Horizon

At the time of writing, just 8 months have passed since I learned to write code - and this weekend I realised I've learned 10 different languages and frameworks so far. That's a lot! As I reflect upon my progress, and the live product I have created, I am so excited about the chapters to come. The next 8 months promise even greater things. Stay tuned for what's up next — there's plenty on the horizon!

If you’re interested in following along with my journey, and watching how this further shapes the landscape of AI-powered outreach, I’d love to see you on LinkedIn and Twitter – feel free to follow and reach out!


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From the Blog

We share more about sales tech, trends, tips and behind the scenes in the Koneksi Blog.

The people building whole software companies on their own - how they do it, and why.

The people building whole software companies on their own - how they do it, and why.

Discussing the concept of indie hacking, and how it compares to venture capital as a method to grow a software business.

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Announcing the launch of our new managed services suite!

Announcing the launch of our new managed services suite!

We've listened to community feedback and in response we've decided to introduce a series of official managed services - so that we can run your LinkedIn DM campaigns for you.

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We launched on Product Hunt for the first time and here's what happened...

We launched on Product Hunt for the first time and here's what happened...

We took our ROI Calculator to Product Hunt on Saturday and this is everything we did, experienced and learned.

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