Message Details & linkedin-message-msg-3k97fh | Custom LinkedIn message
LinkedIn Message: Hi [firstname], Congrats on [companyNewsTopic]. I’ve been following ourcompany for a while now ...
Here is some information about the message, including its target prospect and their company.
Hi [firstname],
Congrats on [companyNewsTopic]. I’ve been following ourcompany for a while now and I think this is a huge deal! Anyways, It would be silly of me to think you’re not using an [productOrServiceType] already, but it’s a no-brainer to present something new on the market that actually helps [Position] reach [Result] specifically. [productDescription]
Let me know if this sounds interesting to you.
This could be good, but the chances are low that the company news item actually relates in any way to the proposed product. So it comes across as a bad excuse for a sales pitch.